Install Issue v2.0.0

I´m trying to try the V2.0.0 but I cant get it even installed.
Igot this error:

{“exception”:“SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘factsbeta.addons’ doesn’t exist (SQL: select * from addons where enabled = 1 order by name asc)”}

Actually the DB exist and is empty as requied, I fill the info in config/database.php correctly btw.

Someone had the same issue?

Do you opened the setup correctly?

Same problem here. :frowning:

Setup was properly opened but in the end of the installation it leads to this url what shows this message:

exception “SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS requires format array(classname, array(ctor_args)); the classname must be a string specifying an existing class (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from users)”

I have the same issue, im running on 7.0 as my host does not have 7.1 yet

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Added a ticket for this:


I didn’t try this yet because i’m failing to locate doctrine package in the application folders

I have done some research and it seems like, you must have the following packages or version and some missing packages. Some packages or versions don’t work well with PHP 7.0 in other server enviroments.

You need to downgrade to the right composer

The package or version settings are found in composer.json

Right one
“doctrine/dbal”: “2.5.13”

Current one
“doctrine/dbal”: “^2.6”

Missing one
“doctrine/common”: “2.7.0”

Let me know if i’m of any help.


i have the same problem ?

Access denied for user root@localhost

Seems that the password is wrong. Also, never ever use the root user for any web applications like InvoicePlane. This is a huge security risk.


Thanks Kovah I change user & password the same problem ?

Any solution to this issue yet.

{"exception":"SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS requires format array(classname, array(ctor_args)); the classname must be a string specifying an existing class (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from `users`)"}

I am not able to reproduce this error. So if anyone can figure out what the problem is please contact me so I can fix it.

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Same problem here, after ‘upgrading’ from FusionInvoice 2018-08 when running setup i get:

{“exception”:“SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS requires format array(classname, array(ctor_args)); the classname must be a string specifying an existing class (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from users)”}

Then when simply going to main page:

{“exception”:“SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS requires format array(classname, array(ctor_args)); the classname must be a string specifying an existing class (SQL: select * from addons where enabled = 1 order by name asc)”}

@mbnn can you please tell your exact PHP version? Also your exact mysql version will help.

What do you mean by ‘upgrading’, did you first have another version installed?

Can you show your composer.json of what you have at this moment?

Are you getting this errorlocally or on a server?

Synology Diskstation with PHP 7.0 and Apache 2.4.

I have Fusioninvoice installed before (2018-08), thats it.

The error is everywhere not just local.

@mbnn because you’re installing this locally can you think of upgrading php7.0 to php7.1. And can you explain what you mean that you have the error everywhere but locally.
We have to doublecheck the php and mysql version for this precize error.

Quote from another thread at Stack Overflow with the exact same problem:

Had the same problem here. Downgrading to composer require doctrine/dbal=2.6.3 did the trick so far.

Could somebody try this?

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I’ll give it a go when I get a chance, I had troubles installing php 7.0, so after that’s working I will let know what came out of it
Edit : I can replicate the issue on exactly php7.0. Let’s see if we can fix it.

@KondjaBoytjie can you hit me up on slack? I have a question maybe you can help

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I want to try this, but the problem is that i’m running the app from a web server that I don’t have total control of. Hence I cant install composer.

I tried downgrading to doctrine/dbal=2.6.3, and I was able to proceed the setup afterwards.
