!! UPDATED - 03/27/2020 !!
Hello fellow InvoicePlaners! We are planning 3 meetings to discuss the current status and future development paths for both v1 (current release) and v2 (new product). The purpose in 3 meetings is that we want to make it convenient for everyone to be able to attend and be involved. If none of the dates or times work for you, please let us know (you can reply here) so that we can attempt to accommodate you as best we can. Maintaining IP is a challenge and we need each of you to pitch in whenever you can and however you can. I wanted to personally thank @Kovah for all that he has done in the past and here recently to get us back on track. Without his assistance, I’m afraid the project would have gone into remission.
Below is a list of dates and times in which we will host interactive meetings. The platform has yet to be decided as we want to make sure we allow every voice to be heard and encourage everyone to speak their mind. This is our project and we all have a say-so in what direction the path should take. So, please, look at the following dates and times. Reply back with which meeting you would like to attend so that we can get an accurate head count of who we can expect to join the meeting.
Saturday, March 21st - 03:00 PM UTC
Sunday, March 22nd - 09:00 AM UTC
Sunday, March 22nd - 06:00 PM UTC
Saturday, March 28th - 04:00 PM UTC
Sunday, March 29th - 09:00 AM UTC
Sunday, March 29th - 06:00 PM UTC
I will post an agenda for each meeting 1 week prior to the meeting.
!! UPDATE: The meetings in this scheduled timeline have been postponed until further notice. We hope to have more resources available to conduct these meetings and currently that’s not possible. We will update everyone as soon as we have solid dates planned. Thank you!!