The Past
A few months ago, Kovah asked the community to find new maintainers so that he could step away and allow people who could dedicate more time and resources into growing and guiding InvoicePlane’s future.
Those who kept up with the community forums would have seen that a number of people stepped up to help keep InvoicePlane going, with the new maintainers brought in and over the last few months have been tweaking and changing things so Kovah could finally retire.
The Present
These are now all done, new hosting for the sites has been set up and been moved, leaving us now to thank Kovah for all his hard work, for his guidance and time were given to this incredible OpenSource project and for the new maintainers to guide InvoicePlane forward.
Today we announce where we are taking InvoicePlane, with the support of you, our users, fellow developers, and sponsors, we hope we can continue to make InvoicePlane your choice of software for invoicing.
The Future
InvoicePlane v1.5.9 - will be continuing bug and security fixes, with v1.5.10 aimed for the 1st of June 2019, with interworked quarterly releases with InvoicePlane v2 thereafter.
With the discontinuation of PHP 5.6, we are looking to migrate InvoicePlane v1 up to PHP 7.1 but the sheer number of changes in the core of InvoicePlane’s code, we have been extensively discussing how best to achieve minimal changes but maximize future compatibility.
We will be opening up the paths we can take after the release of v1.5.10 to see what the community believes is the best path forwards for InvoicePlane v1, this will, however, work alongside our v2 development.
InvoicePlane v2 - has caused us a lot of heartache in deciding where to take the development forward, the original developer of the current code has hinted that they may be continuing to develop their project commercially and its unlikely we would be able to work together on fixes or features.
We have come to the decision to not continue developing the code provided, instead to ourselves start from scratch on a wholly new InvoicePlane v2.
We can only apologize to those who have spent their time getting to know the current alpha code but we are pleased to say that it’s not all for nothing.
InvoicePlane v2 will continue to be based on the Laravel 5.7 framework but will be visually served by CoreUI Pro using Bootstrap 4, all an earlier idea of Kovah’s which sadly struggled to gain traction.
One of our core desires for InvoicePlane v2 is to be modular, flexible and scalable, from a small independent freelancer up to large companies who need to comply with local tax laws and digital submissions yet portable with mobile & tablet ready design, even so far as to have dedicated apps.
Final Words
We want InvoicePlane to be the software of choice for people and we’re actively investing in InvoicePlane to ensure it endures through these changes and develop it as the first choice in Open Source invoicing software.