Installation help on shared hosting version 1.6.2

Good morning community, I have tried installing version 1.6.2 on a shared hosting on multiple occasions and it has not been possible. It gives me many error messages. I am not a programmer, I only have basic knowledge. If anyone has experience, I appreciate your help. Greetings Angelo

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It helps very much to know which error messages, but i’m going to guess.

Can you ask which PHP version is on your shared host?
Is it PHP 8.1? Or PHP 8.2? Or PHP 8.3?

Hello, thank you for answer, i can choose 7.4, 8.2 and 8.3 and i I have tried with all, 7,4 says clearly needs =>8.1

  • testdb.php passed ok
  • these are the errors:
#### A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Creation of dynamic property CI_URI::$config is deprecated

InvoicePlane is compatible with PHP 8.1
Try to set your hosting to that version of you can

Hello, Thanks, i will see if them can activate that version, what hosting do you use?


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I hope it works otherwise i have another solution.
But PHP 8.1 is (still) a valid version

What would be the solution, please?

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Stay on PHP 8.1
Ask your host to set you on PHP 8.1
or set it yourself if thats possible.

In any case that it isn’t possible, come back here and i’ll give you a new solution

A post was split to a new topic: Installation help Shared hosting (and SSL Problems)