Installation help Shared hosting (and SSL Problems)

I am having trouble too. cannot get installation page running and tried 7.4 and 8.1.
I also get this error warning:

443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

Let’s fix your installation problems on shared hosting first…

Show the error messages that you get when you install on your shared host.

You can make a screenshot of your errors, but remove the part where it says your site url

I have no error message. The site only comes up as blank. When I check the log I get:

443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name.

My url is a subdomain and I have entered this in the config file and not changed the htaccess file. I also noticed that the htaccess did not have a .htaccess so I renamed this (not sure it was the right thing to to do).

Work with your host on this.
We can’t debug blank pages.

I think something is wrong with the SSL certificate in your case

I have managed to get somewhere where I am now getting another error message.

Error ID:



Web application could not be started by the Phusion Passenger(R) application server.

Please read [the Passenger log file (search for the Error ID) to find the details of the error.

The log file has

AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Dotenv\\Exception\\InvalidFileException: Failed to parse dotenv file. Encountered an invalid name at [<?php exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>]. in...

I am running php version 8.1

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Open ipconfig.php
Place a # in front of that first line, so that it reads:

# <?php exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>

this is the error I am getting now

Error ID:



Web application could not be started by the Phusion Passenger(R) application server.

I don’t think you have pasted the entire error message, just that your server “couldn’t start the application”

If you paste the actual errors then you can be helped in a better way

App 1825460 output: node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1228
App 1825460 output:   throw err;
App 1825460 output:   ^
App 1825460 output:
App 1825460 output: Error: Cannot find module '/var/www/vhosts/invoiceplane.redacted/app.js'

InvoicePlane doesn’t have an “app.js”

Could not spawn process for application /var/www/vhosts/invoiceplane.redacted/: The application process exited prematurely.
  1. Go to and click on the “Download” button
  2. It will download a .zip file that has styles and javascripts prepared for you.

Now… ask your host:
Is your virtual host prepared for PHP applications?

Because if your virtual host is looking for an “app.js” that is usually something for “Node” or “javascript” applications.

InvoicePlane is an application, built with PHP. It relies on styles and javascripts and they are provided for you in that .zip file

I have managed to install successfully. One query I have. Is it possible to create a different biller with different invoice details and logo.

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Great that you got it done, man!

Would it be enough for you to just have a different invoice template and use that for your other biller?

It would. for sure. All I need is another biller with address details and logo plus bank details and contact details and VAT Number for a different biller. I will try it out with a template option.

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