Time tracker add in


Is it possible to add time tracker in the invoice plane.
I do freelance It support for a company and i need to track my time i spent and invoice them for the hours i spent on ite

Sorry but this WebApplication does not support any of such features. To track time just use a clock or anything. The rest InvoicePlane can do. Also I don’t know how a WebApplication could do this since it does not have any permission on your computer and therefore can never know how long you worked on which project.

Hi M4rt1n

is it possible to maybe get source code for invoice plane so that i can get one of my guys to try and see if they can add this in to invoice plane jsut for me use only.

The sourcecode is FOSS (Free Open Source Software) and freely available here: GitHub - InvoicePlane/InvoicePlane: A self-hosted open source application for managing your invoices, clients and payments.