Invoice One Company but Diffrent Divisions

Good Day,

hope someone can help me here, I have 1 company that I do invoices for but they have different departments that I need to invoice, How can I sort this out so that I can send the invoices to the departments and then at the end of the day send them a statement with all the invoices on them?

can anybody help with this or point me in the right direction please

Hi, I believe a solution could be handle the story with different clients. Otherwise I’m not sure there is currently an option for this.

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Ok, with some playing around I’m close, I got it so you can add 4 different client names and emails to the Company. :smiley:

Got it so that you can select the different client names from a dropdown and even change the URL so that it will show the name and email address but like $quote->quote_id.'?name='.$quote->client_name.'&email='.$quote->client_email; the problem is now when you click to send an email it does nothing,
example quotes/view/10?name=MyName&

if I remove the quotes/view/10 works but I would Like to get to send like this what am I missing here

Get it to work echo site_url(‘mailer/quote/’ . $quote->quote_id.‘?name=’.$quote->client_name.‘&email=’.$quote->client_email

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