Doubts before starting

Hi all.

I am currently using a paid software in Mac environment for creating quotes and invoices.
I would like to use a multi-platform and multi-access solution.

I am considering to use Invoice Plane but before I start I have some doubts before it is not possible.

Doubt 1: budget or invoice design.
Right now I have a design in PDF format and I wanted to know if it is possible to use this PDF and that the data (customer, product description, payment bank account, etc …) are placed in the design of the template.

Doubt 2: Invoice Plane installation.
Can I install it on a Raspberry Pi? In this way I could access even from outside (connecting by VPN of course) and be able to manage it, right now I always depend on the Mac.

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

Hi, yes there are ways costomizing your own invoice. But you can not use a PDF template, you will have to rewrite it with PHP and you will just be able to use PHP variables or InvoicePlane variables.

Yes ofc. InvoicePlane is not depending on any OS, it depends on other things like:

  • PHP
  • PHP extensions
  • WebServer

So to make things short: yes it can absolutely run on a Pi. Pi anyway depends on Debian which I’am hosting my own instance on.