message with the scan looks like this: BDS003 phpshell: Split directory into parts for browser : Dirs = explode(’/’, substr($path, 1)); array_pop($sourceDirs); $targetFile = array_pop($targetDirs);
1.1. As this (as you can see from the path) refers to “mpdf” this first is a thirth party code which is not getting maintained by IncoicePlane.
1.2. This refers to this FILE & LINES (link to GitHub) and shows that these lines has been added in the very first commit of this file back in 2017.
1.3. What does these functions do? Well here the resolution:
2.1. this (as you can see from the path) refers to “symfony” this first is a thirth party code which is not getting maintained by IncoicePlane.
2.2. This refers to this FILE & LINES (link to GitHub) and is still part of Symfonys latest version.
2.3. what your “virus programm” has detected is a function that splitts the path. How shall this be a virus or bad in any way. It like a policeman reports you for “walking”. There is nothing wrong with walking… very normal
Corret, this is a very common way to splitt the path to make it relative to the path from the rootdirectory
Also pls always report which Virus scanner you have used and try to understand the code, as also the report from the virus scanner yourself.