Hello everyone, during installation, I get the following error: An error was encountered — unable to load the requested language file: language/italian/ip_lang.php
Can you help me?
Hello everyone, during installation, I get the following error: An error was encountered — unable to load the requested language file: language/italian/ip_lang.php
Can you help me?
Pretty sure you have used GitHub for download and not the official downloadside correct?
I used the official download from the invoice site
When I download the .ZIP I can see the file/path:
But maybe its up to the capitalized I in Italian?
Can you try to rename the folder:
So renaming the folder Italian
to italian
If it did help you please report back.
It worked for me but i had to upload a second “italian” folder because some times require “Italian” folder and some other times require “italian” folder
Thanks a lot, it worked. I set the name with the initial letter in lowercase.