Settings tab content don't show

hey, I Have installed the latest version of Invoiceplane v1.5.11 and the content of settings tab does not working specially EMAIL, PAIMENT, PROJECTS and UPDATE I don’t know why exactly Knowing that I have enabled the debugging mode
so please help me to fix that issue as soon as possible
thank you.

If you press ctrl+shift+i in your Google Chrome browser you can go to the Console.
It should show some errors.

Did you download 1.5.11 from the website or from github?

thank you for your fast reply
please see the picture from console
I have downloaded the version from the official website

With CTRL-Shift-i open
Go to the Network tab
If the content doesn’t show, press CTRL-R.

Please provide as much screenshots as you can

That’s all I have

thank you for your time.

and this :slight_smile:
Please make it possible to execute javascript code for the proper functioning of InvoicePlane

In your browser your Javascript is somehow turned off. Turn it on and try again.

The contents of those tabs are collected using Javascript.
In the Console we checked for Javascript errors.
In the Network tab we checked from errors while collecting the contents of the tabs.

Without Javascript almost any site cannot function.

Where is that exactly ? I don’t know where the placement of turned on the javascript

Also in my phone still the issue and i have tested another browser but nothing

Try this first.
As long as Javascript isn’t working the contents of your tabs will not show up

the javascript is enabled but the issue persist :pensive:

all tabs like EMAIL, PAIMENT, PROJECT… show in TAXES tab i don’t know why

So let me get it correctly.
The active tab in this nice screenshot is Taxes.
You open up the console. No errors
Click on email or projects. No errors
Click on the network tab
Click on email or projects
What does the network tab say

Make a nice screenshot again like you did last time

this is the screen from taxes tab

in the taxes tab show all the others tabs

Explain in detail and with screenshots exactly what you mean.

All this tabs is showing in Taxes section

Hey @Cosmo,
Could you take a look please?

It feels like a jquery issue where a click on the tab doesn’t clear the previous tab and just adds the html to the existing tab.

This user previously had problems where his Javascript was disabled. Maybe this will help in finding the issue

Hey :open_hands:

I’m afraid I can’t be much helpful on this.

If this is happening on multiple browsers / devices, I would suggest to do a fresh install of Invoiceplane.

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