Implementing PayU payment method

Is there a way Omnipay-PayU

to implement this in the InvoicePlane ?

@igr there are many many many omnipay packages and this is one of them.
The first thing I see when I read the Readme is that it is for PHP 5.3+ well that’s great, but that was last century. PHP 7 is the current PHP version (which means this is an old package)
The second thing I see is: it hasn’t been updated in 2 years.

Long story short:
Yes it’s possible. Make a PR and we’ll take a look, but ask yourself: why this package? What does it do? What is the benefit?

Yes, there are many, but are different requirements:
bileto/omnipay-payu require: omnipay/common: ^2.5 and others,
gabiudrescu/omnipay-payu-intl require: omnipay/common:~2.0 : 4 years old,
printu/omnipay-payu require: omnipay/common: 2.5 and others,
awethemes/omnipay-payu require omnipay/common: ^3.0,
sylapi/omnipay-payu requre: omnipay/common: 3, only 3 months old,
I use PHP 7.4 with version 1.5.11,
but if seSze/omnipay-payu have good and short source code,
works with all new PHP(not tested) and do not require more sources is ideal (that is my opinion).
Invoiceplane use more oldest code for omnipay (paypal is from 2017,targetpay 2014, …).
Simply, every PayU solution is welcome, thanks.

trying to install payu using composer
require": {
“lari/omnipay-payu-com”: “~2.0”
but in admin method are not showing after composer update is there any steps required to do?