I have read the forum and faq through and could not get an answer, Hope someone can help me in that.
I created a quote for R5000 but the client wants to pay 50% of the quote upfront before I start to work the balance on completion.
Is there a way to invoice them for 50% of the quote?
@M4rt1n thank you for the feedback. will do it as per your steps.
how can I keep up to date with IPv2 news and features any newsfeed I can join. to get notifications when you speak about IPv2?
what are the requirements for the self-host server to have to run IPv2 as I tried installing it and could not even get the setup files running
Pls do NOT install IPv2 now. This is not the IPv2 which will be developed, this was a very early state from another Invoicing programm which Kovah wanted to take over as a base for IPv2 but this got abandoned.
About IPv2: everything is freezed right now due to the corona crisis as we all have a lot to do in our privat lifes. But as soon as everything will be back normal you will be notified here in the forum.