Client Statement Download PDF error function getTimestamp()

First of all, thank you for the great program. Secondly Sorry for posting in the wrong post @M4rt1n.

Ok, First I have searched the forum but could not get any answers I was looking for.
My Invoice Plane version is 1.5.10
PHP Version is 7.2
PHP Extensions are apcu, bcmath, dom, gd, imagick, imap, json, mbstring, mysqli, mysalnd, opcache, pdo, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, phar, posix, soap, sockets, tidy, timezondb, uploadprogress, wddx, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter,xsl,zip

error Log ERRORS

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>

ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:28:45 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:28:45 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:28:45 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:28:45 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:28:45 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:28:45 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:28:51 --> Severity: error --> Exception: Call to a member function getTimestamp() on boolean /application/modules/statements/controllers/Statements.php 328
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:28:51 --> 404 Page Not Found: /index
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:15 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:15 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:15 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:15 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:15 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:15 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:16 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:16 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:16 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:16 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:16 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:31:16 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 01:32:54 --> Severity: error --> Exception: Call to a member function getTimestamp() on boolean /application/modules/statements/controllers/Statements.php 69
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:27 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:27 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:27 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:27 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:27 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:27 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:30 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:30 --> Could not find the language line “statement_password”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:30 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:30 --> Could not find the language line “refresh”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:30 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:30 --> Could not find the language line “invoice_total”
ERROR - 2020-02-03 04:43:45 --> Severity: error --> Exception: Call to a member function getTimestamp() on boolean /application/modules/statements/controllers/Statements.php 328
ERROR - 2020-02-03 13:36:15 --> 404 Page Not Found:

There are two options that could be the case here.

  1. permission error (pls tell us the exact permission of the folder where IP is located in
  2. missing/uncomplete language files

Pretty sure its not part 2 but pls provide all infos.
Also pls turn on debug in ipconfig and try to run in the same error again for getting a more detailed error log.

Pls also tell us which langauge you are using and if you use InvoicePlane in stock version or any own templates?


  1. permission on folders are as follows 0755
    Files they are 0644.
  2. The missing language I have fixed that problem, I’m using eng language.

the debug is enabled

Does that mean the problem is solved?

@M4rt1n, Sorry for the confusion. I have fixed the problem in the language file

any feedback on the solution on the problem. @M4rt1n. this would be a big plus for invoice plane if this could be fixed

What is a Statement?

I just downloaded the v1.5.10 zip and looked for the file it’s complaining about and there’s no folder called application/modules/statements in the zip.

My guess is that a statement is the same as an invoice, but you call it a statement for legal or taxation requirements in your country?

I checked the application/modules/invoice/controllers/Invoice.php file but it doesn’t contain a call to getTimestamp() anywhere, so I don’t know how to help with this until I know what a Statement is and how a folder for it gets into the application/modules folder.

Refer to this post.

The code in question is this :+1:

$date_time   = date_create_from_format("d M,Y", $this->input->post('statement_date_created'));
$statement_date   = $date_time->getTimestamp();  

$date_time returns a DateTime object. It is possible that the value supplied to first statement above was either incorrect on in a different format than expected. This will cause the built in PHP function date_create_from_format() to return false.

I should probably add a check for this.

@crafter, thanks for the explanation to @Cabji.

I have been trying to get a solution for this but I just cannot get it. Search the forum, Search Google. but with no luck. I have noticed that a lot of people have been requesting this. as this will make invoice plane a more rounded product for a lot of small to medium companies.

one thing is for sure they are doing a good job with invoice plane. if I get the script right will post my findings here. or should I say the solution here?

@M4rt1n, @Cabji, @crafter

Ok, so I started working on this again. in the statment.php file where this code is

$date_time = date_create_from_format(“d M,Y”, $this->input->post(‘statement_date_created’));
$statement_date = $date_time->getTimestamp();

around line 330 I changed it to the following

$date_time = date_create_from_format(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’, $this->input->post(‘statement_date_created’));
//$statement_date = $date_time->getTimestamp();
if ($date_time instanceof DateTime)
$statement_date = $date_time->getTimestamp();

as per the error, its a boolean and that got me thinking, boolean has if statment’s in it.

Well with that out of the way! I ran into a new error message :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
it stats that this function greate_pdf does not exist.
on line 351 generate_statement_pdf($client, $statement, $notes);

but function is there on line 306 till 353 see

public function generate_pdf()

    $client_id              = $this->input->post('cid');
    $statement_number       = $this->input->post('statement_number');

    if (!empty($this->input->post('statement_start_date'))) {
        $statement_start_date   = strtotime($this->input->post('statement_start_date'));
        //$date_time   = date_create_from_format("d M,Y", $this->input->post('statement_start_date'));
        //$statement_start_date   = $date_time->getTimestamp();

    } else {
        $statement_start_date   = strtotime($this->input->post('sdate'));
    $statement_end_date     = strtotime($this->input->post('edate'));

    // BUG : strtotime is not recognising the date format d M,Y" and changing the date
    // $statement_date         = strtotime($this->input->post('statement_date_created'));
    //$date_time   = date_create_from_format("d M,Y", $this->input->post('statement_date_created'));
    $date_time   = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->input->post('statement_date_created'));
    //$statement_date   = $date_time->getTimestamp();
  if ($date_time instanceof DateTime)

$statement_date = $date_time->getTimestamp();

    $notes                  = $this->input->post('notes');

     * Load the client
    $client = $this->mdl_clients
        ->where('ip_clients.client_id', $client_id)

    if (!$client) {

    $statement = $this->build_statement($client->client_id, $statement_start_date, $statement_end_date);


    generate_statement_pdf($client, $statement, $notes);

This is fixed now pdf is generating, under pdf_helper.php I added the following code

function generate_quote_pdf($quote_id, $stream = true, $quote_template = null)
$CI = &get_instance();


$quote = $CI->mdl_quotes->get_by_id($quote_id);

// Override language with system language

if (!$quote_template) {
    $quote_template = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('pdf_quote_template');

// Determine if discounts should be displayed
$items = $CI->mdl_quote_items->where('quote_id', $quote_id)->get()->result();

$show_item_discounts = false;
foreach ($items as $item) {
    if ($item->item_discount != '0.00') {
        $show_item_discounts = true;

// Get all custom fields
$custom_fields = array(
    'quote' => $CI->mdl_custom_fields->get_values_for_fields('mdl_quote_custom', $quote->quote_id),
    'client' => $CI->mdl_custom_fields->get_values_for_fields('mdl_client_custom', $quote->client_id),
    'user' => $CI->mdl_custom_fields->get_values_for_fields('mdl_user_custom', $quote->user_id),

$data = array(
    'quote' => $quote,
    'quote_tax_rates' => $CI->mdl_quote_tax_rates->where('quote_id', $quote_id)->get()->result(),
    'items' => $items,
    'output_type' => 'pdf',
    'show_item_discounts' => $show_item_discounts,
    'custom_fields' => $custom_fields,

$html = $CI->load->view('quote_templates/pdf/' . $quote_template, $data, true);


return pdf_create($html, trans('quote') . '_' . str_replace(array('\\', '/'), '_', $quote->quote_number), $stream, $quote->quote_password);


And Now It Works :+1:


Wonderful work @Rhino13.

You should push a PR to the dev branch I created. I will pull this into my own dev branch and test. If all is well I can merge your changes into the branch.

1 Like

@Rhino13 if possible, in your code that you post here, if you can bold the parts that you alter it makes it a lot easier to see what needs to be altered.

EDIT: Also, great work!

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