@projectambitious Yep, still on. We’re probably going to do it on Discord so we can hear each other’s opinions.
If you can install some form of docker before that, it would be great.
I usually dump all my projects in a ~/projects directory and point my docker to that, so I can launch multiple projects with 1 docker-compose
Hi all,
We’re meeting online tomorrow to discuss InvoicePlane V2.
It’s going to be on zoom.us, so install the app on your PC, Mac, phone and join the fun!
I’ll announce the meeting id here and in Slack.
Time will be determined
To prepare for the meeting ask yourself this:
what do I want to put into InvoicePlane V2? (Products, Services, Projects, Customers, Invoices)
what do I want to get out of InvoicePlane V2?
Overview, easy payment from the customers (stripe), which products are sold best? Which customers buy the most? How are my projects going?
We will start at 14:00 Amsterdam timezone, which is GMT+1. Check your local times.
I know we have a lot of European users, so I noted the European timezone first