Show Client Name in all tabs when viewing client information

Currently the client name is only visible on the Details tab when looking at a client’s information. When either the Quotes, Invoices or Payments tab is selected the client’s name is not visible on the page.
Maybe change headerbar to:

<?php echo $client->client_name; ?>

<?php echo lang('create_quote'); ?>

class=“fa fa-file-text”"> <?php echo lang('create_invoice'); ?>

<?php echo lang('edit'); ?>
	        <a class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"
	           href="<?php echo site_url('clients/delete/' . $client->client_id); ?>"
	           onclick="return confirm('<?php echo lang('delete_client_warning'); ?>');">
	            <i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> <?php echo lang('delete'); ?>

and remove the client name from the Details section.

[size=10]Last Update: 06.05.2015 (mark as fixed)[/size]

Fixed, thanks for the hint. Will be included in 1.4.0

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