Invoice language in v2.0.0

I can’t find the labels of invoice in language files. (resources/lang/en/fi.php)

I need to change the DUE DATE, ISSUED and INVOICE labels.

Where I can find this language variables?


That version of 2.0 will be redesigned, so not sure if we can help you.
Besides that… find the place in the views where you see the due date and other variables. Do they show a translation variable or hard-coded?

Thanks i was find that.
{{ mb_strtoupper(trans('fi.due_date')) }} without mb_strtoupper()

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You did great and have 2 options:
/resources/lang/(language)/fi.php and find ‘due_date’
If it’s not there you can add it.
Remember, it’s looking at the language, so if you changed it, that variable might not be there

Thanks, I found it!