Disable Rounding

Ex. in the field price my client write 10,098.00 and the system will rounding the price in 10,10 value.

Check the “Decimal Point” and “Thousand Separators” in the ‘System Settings | General Tab’ page.

I am sure you will find that you have defined the comma (“,”) as decimal point, which causes the number “10,098.00” to be read by the software as “ten comma zero nine eight…” and to be rounded to “ten comma ten”.

If you define a number format (i.e. the decimal point and thousand separators) you are expected to use that format when typing numbers.

I also set in the settings decimal number like 3 but nothing change.

Currently, the number of decimals in IP is fixed to 2 because it stores amounts in the database as decimal(20,2), that is, with two decimal digits, and all numbers are rounded accordingly to two decimal digits. For instance, these values


will become


I need that all the number in fields stay without any rounding, it is possibile do this?

No, if you type more than two decimal digits the number will be rounded when you save the form (quote, invoice, etc.). Having said that, in many cases, you can solve the problem by changing the product units. For instance, instead of selling kilograms of something at 0,01234 €/kg you could sell grams at 12,34 €/g.