1.5.6 Can't delete items and invoices and can't create new invoices


i have update IP.

I had created an invoice before the update.
And there, on this bill I created a line, I registered and I can not delete it …

I have the message ““
404 Page Not Found
The page you requested was not found.
”” "

I redo an update just in case?

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Same having redone the update …

I notice in fact that all the drop-down menus on the top banner do not work anymore …

I emptied the browser cache.

If it helps


I lost links to create invoices and quotes :cry:

Hello @TechInfo,

You didn’t loose the links. The links weren’t there. It’s working with jQuery.

I didn’t checked the last updates of invoiceplane, but try to use CTRL+F5 (force refresh) in your browser and then try again to delete the invoice.

The bug it’s still there?

Strangely, this morning without doing an action, the drop-down menus and links to create a new invoice and quote have returned to OK.

I emptied the cache again but I still can not delete the product line from the invoice (and not the invoice).

I will test on a new bill.

I can’t create a new bill…
"The app seems stuck due to an error."
But it’s not a log out of the account because I can close the error and do something else.

I can create a new user but I can not delete it => "404 Page Not Found
The page you requested was not found. " with the “Delete” button in the customer card directly.

But I can delete it from the drop-down menu right here /clients/status/active

Same thing here after upgrade to 1.5.6.

Delete line item on invoice = 404 error
Delete invoice = 404 error

It is correct, that some actions throw a 404 error because the way items are deleted changed 180° in version 1.5.6.
Please post the exact location where deletion is throwing a 404 error.

Corresponding ticket: https://development.invoiceplane.com/browse/IP-649

Technical Background: URLs like /index.php/invoices/delete/115 will never work again as simple HTTP GET requests. This is a security feature. Invoices can now only be deleted if it’s a POST request that also contains the CSRF token.

This for an item : /index.php/invoices/delete_item/115/450
For an invoice : /index.php/invoices/delete/115

I hope is what you want

Same here: After update v1.5.4 -> v1.5.6:

/invoices/delete_item/415/1541 -> 404 Page Not Found
/invoices/delete/415 -> 404 Page Not Found

It’s the same with quotes:
/quotes/delete_item/41/392 -> 404 Page Not Found
/quotes/delete/41 -> 404 Page Not Found


@TechInfo @cpu4you If you get this error from anywhere in the application please give me the location where you pressed the delete button. Posting the URL will not help.


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@TechInfo: We can 100% confirm your posting!

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Can Confirm as well, I had the same issue with 1.5.6, downgraded back to 1.5.4 via backups without issue.

@erilidon Dont know if i should downgrade or wait till update with fix. :neutral_face:

New version will be released later this day.

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I’m having exactly the same issue, but with 1.5.7 - when I try to create a new invoice, i just get "It seems that the application stuck because of an error."
In the logs are these errors:

ERROR - 2018-02-20 12:37:09 --> Could not find the language line "view_payment_logs"
ERROR - 2018-02-20 12:38:02 --> Could not find the language line "smtp_mail_from"
ERROR - 2018-02-20 12:38:02 --> Could not find the language line "view_payment_logs"
ERROR - 2018-02-20 12:38:19 --> Could not find the language line "smtp_mail_from"
ERROR - 2018-02-20 12:38:25 --> Could not find the language line "view_payment_logs"

Upgrade (index.php/setup) completed without any errors, tried a few times… I’m running Debian Stretch (9) with php7.

EDIT: Forget it - seems to be a browser issue - with another browser it does seem to work fine…