Cannot connect to the database server

Hi I am a first time invoiceplane user. I’m setting it up for my own sole trader business.

I am getting the error “Failure
Cannot connect to the database server with the provided database information. Please check the credentials and try again.”

I have performed the following fault finding:

  1. checked I can log into the database using PHPmyAdmin. I can log in to db there are no tables created.
  2. checked that credentials in invoice plane ipconfig.php are similar to credentials in my wordpress wp-config.php file. The credentials are similar, I’m using a different db for WP. I think my ipconfig.php credentials are correct.

I have tried using hostname:

  1. localhost

I have set port to 3306

I have set username to dbXXXXXX_XXXX

I have set password to XXXXXXXXXXXX

I have set database to dbXXXXXX_IP_

I am using PHP 7.06 CGI

Any help appreciated, thanks in advance


Does your username or password contain any special characters, especially quote signs?