Statement of Client

I had the same issue with the date but below is the workaround I used on all $date_time->getTimestamp();.

        $statement_date         = strtotime($this->input->post('statement_date_created'));
    //$date_time   = date_create_from_format("d M,Y", $this->input->post('statement_date_created'));
    //$statement_date   = $date_time->getTimestamp();

Also note that I have had to modify the compare_statement_dates function because if I had the same date for invoices and payments, it always showed the payments first and thus showing a negative balance unnecessarily. This just didn’t look aesthetically right.

So I modified the function as follows

    if($timeA == $timeB) {
		$transA = strtotime($a['transaction_type']);
		$transB = strtotime($b['transaction_type']);
        return $transA < $transB ? -1 : 1;

But thanks a lot for putting together the addition of the statement. You have made our lives much easier. Much appreciated.

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Who is responsible to to merge the request pull? while the code is tested and working well!

From my side I preferred the release rather than modify the some files.

@snake_eyes do you mean crafter’s solution In his fork?
only a couple of people in our team can do that, because then we’re merging into our development branch
if you want you can clone it and merge in crafter’s solution in your development environment

Yup, while @Kovah is no longer updating the project and no further releases, can you suggest a person who is continuing development?

We all are continuing development, we’re just focusing on version 2 and not on version 1.
Version 1 will need a new release which could include pull requests like the one of this thread.

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That is perfect, is there any time-frame for the next release?

Hi Crafter,

Any updates on this? I would really appreciate the ability to send statements via email. If you quite busy you can shed some light on how I can do it and I will give it a try.


Hello @UnderDog Can you guide me on how to merge the this pull request into my version?

Please note that I’m using the GitHub Desktop, I’ve downloaded the pull request #673 , Should I select in the left side each record and then replace the files of the right side or there is another way?


I don’t know about GitHub Desktop, but for the command line, use the following steps.

$ # Get the latest master
$ git checkout master
$ git pull origin master master
$ # Get other branches
$ git fetch -p

Get the latest client statement branch

$ git checkout ip473clientstatement
$ git pull origin ip473clientstatement

Merge with changes from master

$ git merge master

The will result in the “ip473clientstatement” being your active branch instead of master.

You could also merge the “ip473clientstatement” branch into master. However, since it is not merged upstream I would not recommend this.

BTW, I am the author of that branch. so if you encounter any issues, PM me or connect on slack.

Do you recommend to download the branch and then pr client statment? The merge them into the master?

Do you auggest to use git to my pc or fork it then merge online?

Thank you very much…

Currently branch and master is the same (see the link)

Keep in mind that is a dev branch and could be unstable.

Hi, Hope someone can help me or at least point me in the right direction. I merged the statement section to my code all workes great till I click on download pdf the I get an error page index.php/statements/generate_pdf

An Error Was Encountered

The action you have requested is not allowed.

looking forward to hearing from you

Pls do not post in this thread.

First search the forum for Threads which are about the same problem as your problem.

If non exist open an own thread and post what is not working (with debug turned on and detsiled error logs)
Also tell us about which InvoicePlane Version you are using and which PHP Version and PHP extensions you are using?

Do not respond to this thread, it does not belong here

Is there anyway of getting the PDF to print out the invoice date as eg 01-04-2020 instead of the standard 2020-04-01