Add Field like Discount

Hello guys,

to manage what in italian is called “ritenuta d’acconto” i need add a field in the invoice that is exaclty same of discount in the bottom.

Then in the new invoice i will have.

Partial Total

  • Discount
  • New Field

General Total

it is possibile clone the discount field in the way that i can enter the percent of discount and based on that to calculate total?


Yes, but you need to do some tweaking. Edit your invoice templates

I need to edit only invoice templates? mean…i can integrate/clone field and will works to touch only this file?

Io e la mia azienda stiamo sviluppando il modulo per la gestione della ritenuta d’acconto e della rivalsa (applicati anche a cascata per alcuni tipi di regimi fiscali) con generazione di un pdf corretto che possa essere presentato al commercialista. Per chi fosse interessato può contattarci via email: - -

Lo sviluppo è stato fatto in modo da non intaccare quanto già presente. Dovremmo concludere entro qualche giorno.
Pierpaolo Fantuzzi.

@Pierpaolo_Fantuzzi Please write in English.

My company and I are developing the form for the management of withholding tax and revenge (also applied to cascade for some types of tax regimes) with the generation of a correct pdf that can be presented to the accountant. For those interested can contact us by email: - -

The development was done in such a way as not to undermine what is already present.
Pierpaolo Fantuzzi.