Invoices can't be saved

Hello Kovah!
Are there any news about this problem? Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find a solution. Could anyone suggest me something to use in a better way this application or suggest me a solution for the problem?
Thanks in advance,


No sorry. As this problem didn’t occurred anywhere else this should be a problem with your server / browser.

since I had the brilliant idea to realize invoice plane, now every time that I have to save an invoice I have to restart the webserver. If you remember, it’s the only way to save the modify at the first time.
Since the problems appears in different browser I think it’s a problem related to the webserver.
Can you please give me suggestion in order to find a way to solve the problem before that the administrative office kill me?

As I posted before I can just say again that I don’t have a clue what the problem could be.
Can you share the server configuration (Apache version & configuration, PHP version, phpinfo.php file if available, etc.) with us?

this is the php info

you need another?

Ask me anything you think you need to locate the error.


First thing I noticed: PHP version 5.3.29
You should consider updating as this PHP version will not receive any updates anymore since fall last year - which will lead to security issues.

But I couldn’t find any other issues. :confused:

Not an issue related to PHP 5.3.x, tested this with a clean environment.

What a pity, I was hoping to have found a solution!

Happy Easter :smiley:
