I’m running InvoicePlane from the beginning (the time before also mylcientbase and then fusioninvoice).
After upgrading to 1.5.2 everything seemed fine, unless I recognized my monthly recurring invoices were not created (I have multiple recurring invoices, the first one gets created, than it crashes.) When running the cron again, the first one will be created again before it crashes and so on…
These are the same recurring invoices I was already using for a long time with earlier versions, nothing fancy new.
running the cronjob manually:
[root@server../invoiceplane]# /usr/bin/wget -O - https://invoice.example.org/invoices/cron/recur/csBDb2SQkoKmxusD
--2017-06-03 22:43:26-- https://invoice.example.org/invoices/cron/recur/csBDb2SQkoKmxusD
Resolving invoice.example.org (invoice.example.org)... 10.xx.xx.xx
Connecting to invoice.example.org (invoice.example.org)|10.xx.xx.xx|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error
2017-06-03 22:43:26 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.
The log shows:
ERROR - 2017-06-03 22:33:45 --> Query error: Duplicate entry '612-0' for key 'invoice_id' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO `ip_invoice_custom` (`invoice_id`, `invoice_custom_fieldid`, `invoice_custom_fieldvalue`) VALUES (612, 'invoice_custom_fieldid', '11')
ERROR - 2017-06-03 22:34:30 --> Query error: Duplicate entry '613-0' for key 'invoice_id' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO `ip_invoice_custom` (`invoice_id`, `invoice_custom_fieldid`, `invoice_custom_fieldvalue`) VALUES (613, 'invoice_custom_fieldid', '11')
ERROR - 2017-06-03 22:36:55 --> Query error: Duplicate entry '614-0' for key 'invoice_id' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO `ip_invoice_custom` (`invoice_id`, `invoice_custom_fieldid`, `invoice_custom_fieldvalue`) VALUES (614, 'invoice_custom_fieldid', '11')
ERROR - 2017-06-03 22:37:52 --> Query error: Duplicate entry '615-0' for key 'invoice_id' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO `ip_invoice_custom` (`invoice_id`, `invoice_custom_fieldid`, `invoice_custom_fieldvalue`) VALUES (615, 'invoice_custom_fieldid', '11')
ERROR - 2017-06-03 22:39:33 --> Query error: Duplicate entry '616-0' for key 'invoice_id' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO `ip_invoice_custom` (`invoice_id`, `invoice_custom_fieldid`, `invoice_custom_fieldvalue`) VALUES (616, 'invoice_custom_fieldid', '11')
ERROR - 2017-06-03 22:43:26 --> Query error: Duplicate entry '617-0' for key 'invoice_id' - Invalid query: INSERT INTO `ip_invoice_custom` (`invoice_id`, `invoice_custom_fieldid`, `invoice_custom_fieldvalue`) VALUES (617, 'invoice_custom_fieldid', '11')
and this is the corresponding sql query snippet. before upgrading, invoice_id was counting one number up each time, now it doesn’t seem to do that:
mysql> select * from ip_invoice_custom;
| invoice_custom_id | invoice_id | invoice_custom_fieldid | invoice_custom_fieldvalue |
| 2038 | 611 | 13 | NULL |
| 2039 | 611 | 12 | NULL |
| 2040 | 611 | 7 | NULL
Any ideas how to get rid of this issue ?
Thanks a lot and best Regards