Edit default PDF template

Two issues.
1- I’ve been tring to edit the default PDF template so that the subtotal block is right justified, but nothing works.
2- In reading the documentation on wiki it says that the PDF are generated by mPDF. In following the link it seems that the mpdfonline.com is dead. It shows" This domain name expired on Mar 6 2017 09:02:22:000PM"

So with 1…This is the block in default.php PDF >

            <tr class="text-right">
  		<td class="text-right">
                <td class="text-right">
                    <table class="text-right">
                            <td class="text-right color-n">
                                <?php echo lang('subtotal'); ?>:
                            <td class="text-right color-n">
                                <?php echo format_currency($invoice->invoice_item_subtotal); ?>
                        <?php if ($invoice->invoice_item_tax_total > 0) { ?>
                                <td class="text-right color-n">
                                    <?php echo lang('item_tax'); ?>
                                <td class="text-right color-n">
                                    <?php echo format_currency($invoice->invoice_item_tax_total); ?>
                        <?php } ?>
                        <?php foreach ($invoice_tax_rates as $invoice_tax_rate) : ?>
                                <td class="text-right color-n">
                                    <?php echo $invoice_tax_rate->invoice_tax_rate_name . ' ' . $invoice_tax_rate->invoice_tax_rate_percent; ?>%
                                <td class="text-right color-n">
                                    <?php echo format_currency($invoice_tax_rate->invoice_tax_rate_amount); ?>
                        <?php endforeach ?>
                        <tr class="border-top-l amount-total">
                            <td class="text-right color-d">
                                <?php echo lang('total'); ?>:
                            <td class="text-right color-d">
                                <?php echo format_currency($invoice->invoice_total); ?>
                            <td class="text-right color-d">
                                <?php echo lang('paid'); ?>:
                            <td class="text-right color-d">
                                <?php echo format_currency($invoice->invoice_paid) ?>
                            <td class="text-right color-d">
                                <b><?php echo lang('balance'); ?>:</b>
                            <td class="text-right color-d">
                                <b><?php echo format_currency($invoice->invoice_balance) ?></b>

I want it to be to the right. Any help would be great!

Here is a crop of what the invoice shows and where I want the block to appear…

I corrected the URL in the documentation.

For the styling issue: you may try to extend the Item table and work with colspans. The sum block should fit into the columns from Qty to Total.