Install with sqlite

I’m trying to install with sqlite.

I have a blank page during the setup.

My Config
$ Db [‘default’] [‘dsn’] = ‘mydb.sqlite’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘hostname’] = ‘’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘username’] = ‘’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘password’] = ‘’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘database’] = ‘’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘dbdriver’] = ‘pdo’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘dbprefix’] = ‘’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘pconnect’] = true;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘db_debug’] = true;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘cache_on’] = false;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘cachedir’] = ‘’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘char_set’] = ‘utf8’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘dbcollat’] = ‘utf8_general_ci’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘swap_pre’] = ‘’;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘autoinit’] = true;
$ Db [‘default’] [‘stricton’] = false;

Can you help me ?

Tkx in advance

Sqlite is not supported by InvoicePlane at the moment. Sorry.

Ok tkx for the response

I have also did my thing with SQLite and had converted all sql tables to a sqlite database, since codeigniter also has a sqlite core, however after converting the database i had a successful connection (up to login with my account was working) but came quickly to conclusion that most functions use not compatible query functions which will not work with sqlite, which leads to still binning invoice plane for the time being.