Modify and add date tag in quote number

Can I change the prefix of quotes to include the year and month as part of it. The QUO prefix is not informative enough.
I saw this in ‘./modules/setup/models/mdl_setup.php’

        $this->db->insert('ip_invoice_groups', array(
                'invoice_group_name' => 'Quote Default',
                'invoice_group_prefix' => 'QUO',
                'invoice_group_next_id' => 1)

If I change it it has no effect on the next quote, should I restart something to make it effective?

How can I dynamically encode the prefix like for instance: Q2017-03_
my best guess:

'invoice_group_prefix' => 'Q'.$curdt.'_';

Thanks for any help encoding this.


And no, the date() function cannot be used in the identifier yet.

Thanks, the {{{year}}}-{{{month}}}_{{{id}}} was exactly what I needed.