Can't delete invoices


Since the last upgrade (1.2.0) strangely I can not delete invoices from the list (I have 3 invoices in ‘draft’ status).
When I choose “delete”, the system show me the confirmation popup, I select ‘yes’ and the returns to the list … but the invoices supposedly eliminated, still there.

This happen to anyone else? Any idea what could be the problem?


Well this could be a bug but you should be able to delete them.
Could you please delete one again and post the last ~50-100 lines from /application/logs/logs.php?


Sure! It’s here:


There seems to be 404 page not found errors which appear on the log…
I’ll test this at my system.

Checking in apache-error log file, I see:

[26/Feb/2015:14:09:07 -0300] “GET /assets/default/js/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.js HTTP/1.1” 404 892 “https://domain/” “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0”

And indeed, this does not exist. May be that?


No the datepicker has nothing to do with this.

Ok, I understand.

Any idea what could be the problem? I was looking in the apache-logs, but I don’t see other 404 errors, or errors in php log.

There’s a way to tell the application that besides log the 404 with 404 Page Not Found -->, show the nonexistent path? or any way to activate a more detailed debug mode?

Thank you very much in advance,

Additional comment… I tryed adding “enable_invoice_deletion” in the configuration, and now I can delete the invoices.

May be, the app is not checking the status ? All invoices are in ‘draft’ status… according to documentation, in draft-status, the invoice may be deleted, right?

Just thinking out loud … may have relationship with translation? I’m using it in ‘English’ as a language, the draft status is ‘Borrardor’ ?.


I added a check to the deletion function but it should work for invoices with draft status.

Open this file: /application/modules/invoices/controllers/invoices.php

and replace these lines

// Delete the invoice
if ($this->config->item('enable_invoice_deletion') === TRUE) {
} else {
    $this->session->set_flashdata('alert_error', lang('invoice_deletion_forbidden'));



A fix for this will be included in v1.2.1