Discount Word, or Explanation not showing up in PDF Qoute

I just use the basic package that came with invoice plane, and it works fine, except I notice that when i send a Quote, the attached PDF does not reflect the word Discount at the bottom by the total, but if you use the URL link, it looks fine with the word Discount…

so basically it shows the discount total at the bottom of the attached pdf, but with no word DISCOUNT, it looks like you added wrong to my client…Duh…

How do we fix this?

Thank you

Add the following code to the invoice template /application/views/invoice_templates/pdf_invoicetemplate

            <td <?php echo($show_discounts ? 'colspan="5"' : 'colspan="4"'); ?> class="text-right">
                <?php echo trans('subtotal'); ?>
            <td class="text-right"><?php echo format_currency($invoice->invoice_item_subtotal); ?></td>
        <?php if ($invoice->invoice_discount_percent <> "0") { ?>
        <td <?php echo ($show_discounts ? 'colspan="5"' : 'colspan="4"'); ?> class="text-right">
            <b><?php echo lang('discount') .  " (" . round($invoice->invoice_discount_percent, 2) . ".00%)" ; ?></b>
        <td class="text-right"><b><?php echo "-" . format_currency($invoice->invoice_item_subtotal * $invoice->invoice_discount_percent / 100); ?></td></b>

<?php } ?>

<?php if ($invoice->invoice_discount_amount <> "0") { ?>
        <td <?php echo ($show_discounts ? 'colspan="5"' : 'colspan="4"'); ?> class="text-right">
            <b><?php echo lang('discount') ; ?></b>
        <td class="text-right"><b><?php echo "-" . format_currency($invoice->invoice_discount_amount); ?></td></b>

Place the code where you want the discount field to show up.

which php file actually does the download of the invoice and quote pdf’s the one you name does not exist I only have InvoicePlane.php under pdf

I alos noticed the download pdf does not show the discount about just the subtotal total paid and balance, it minuses the discount but does not reflect the discount amount