File Permission Error

Hi All,
I have been trying to install IP today on an Ubuntu Server box, and it says that it cannot write to the folders. I have looked, and most of these folders don’t even exist!

I have tried to chown the permissions to 777 but it fails? I have been doing so as root.

I would appreciate any help that you have on the matter.


Hi there,

as root using chown could work as long as you CHange Ownership using a username:usergroup syntax.
In case you want to CHange MODe to change the actual user rights you would use numbers or other expression like o+rw. Read this with regard to Chmod:

However, could well be you need to change folder/file ownership to apache or nginx if you uploaded using root. I have IP working OK on my own VPS with latest PHP(7.1), latest stable MariaDB(10.1) and Apache 2.4.6.

All files and folders from public_html down are owned by the webserver, apache in my case. My folders have 775 user rights and files have user rights 664 but it could well be that 755 for folders and 644 for files will also work just fine.
