Application stuck because of an Error

Having an Error when i try to save a quote or invoice. Application stuck because of an error. Everything was working fine i have no idea

Which version do you use and did you upgraded your instance?

Because here are some missing fields in your database.

I am having the same error. After a system reboot, it started hanging at the cog wheel on saving.

Seems to be a missing column in my database…

Are you sure that your database is up to date? The item_product_id field was introduced in one of the recent versions. If the app uses the field but it’s not present, the database update may have failed.

It would seem that it is not. Is there a way to get the db update to run again?

Try running the setup again

You may also take a look at where all database updates are listed. Check if there are any errors.

19/01/2016 016_1.4.4.sql 0

So it looks like it was not applied. Running setup again means visiting /setup ? again…?

Running /setup brings me to the main dashboard, but the versions page still shows the old update… looking into the logs now to see if its posted anything

If running the setup brings you to the dashboard you most likely secured your installation by editing the .htaccess.

That was exactly it. Forgot about that. Seems my errors were coming from an incomplete upgrade.