Hi Guys,
Could someone please assist me withe setting up the cron job for automated invoices.
I have successfully installed Invoice Plane and it is working correctly, however when setting up the cron job i have used the following : http://mydomain/invoices/cron/recur/mycronkey
When the cron job runs however, i get the following error :
Sorry, error I get is /bin/sh: http://myowndomain/invoices/cron/recur/cronkeyhere: No such file or directory
I have installed this on a subdomain. ie billing.mydomain.co.za
Please help
August 2, 2016, 3:35pm
Do you successfully use the app without “index.php” in the URL?
Hi Kovah,
Yes. I access Invoice Plane at billing.mydomain.co.za . Works correctly. (setup has been completed and I am actively using the system)
I am only picking up the error with the cron job .
/bin/sh: http://myowndomain/invoices/cron/recur/cronkeyhere:
directory not found
August 3, 2016, 2:34pm
What does your cron job looks like? It should look like this:
0 1 * * * wget http://YOURDOMAIN/invoices/cron/recur/CRONKEY
This cron runs the recurring invoices script every day at 0:01.
Hi Kovah,
My Cronjob is as follows :
It runs successfully, however i get the following email stating it cannot find the directory.
Dear User,
We’re sorry to inform you that we are encountering a problem when trying to access the following URL:
The error we get is
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
I cant figure out why
August 3, 2016, 6:12pm
But when you open the URL in your browser its working?
I access billing.dsldirect.co.za and it works fine.
August 3, 2016, 6:26pm
No I mean when you access billing.dsldirect.co.za/invoices/cron/recur/CRONKEY
? Then you should simply get a white page…
Hi Kovah,
I have identified the issue. For some reason, the cron key has changed. I have now managed to test and the cronjob is working successfully.
Thank you for your assistance.
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