V2 - Development information, code conventions, used tools

Overview of the development rules, code conventions and used tools that are used to develop InvoicePlane 2

Development Information

Git Repository

You can find our official InvoicePlane 2 repository here.

Issue Tracking

The whole project will be planned and managed with our issue tracker which runs with Jira

Other tools

We will set up other tools like Travis-CI whenever it’s needed.

Available Software

The following software is available on request for developers and contributors.

  • PhpStorm (Open Source license sponsored by Jetbrains)

Code Conventions

General, comprehensive convention: spaces instead of tabs.



  • custom SCSS linting based on best practices


  • custom JS linting based on best practices

Used Tools


Framework Plugins / Modules

Development Tools

CSS Framework

JavaScript Framework / Core

JavaScript Plugins / Modules

Task Runner