Tax calculation without decimals


I am writing from Chile, and I’m trying out this fantastic application to keep track of payments issued my bills.

In my country no decimals for issuing invoices are used, only closed amounts are used (without decimals), both for the value of the products as for calculating taxes.

In Chile, VAT is 19% and the currency is the peso, there are no cents or suchlike, therefore the calculation must be made considering an approximation.

Example, if 19% resulting in a total of $ 67,890.4, then the bill should show $ 67,890.

On the other hand, if the amount of VAT calculated corresponds to $ 67,890.5 (or higher), the invoice must be issued approaching $ 67,891

I hope you can help me, I’m not very clever modifying code, porl or would appreciate a detailed help about it.

Thank you very much

InvoicePlane will support amounts without decimal places. Please wait for this version.

Thank you

Is there any estimated for the release of version date that would support this feature?

No as there is too much left to do and I don’t have much time to work on the application. Sorry.

Please update our this has been possible.
Thank you.

Please add flat taxation also…
some of the product in my country we have to pay flat tax amount, (tax not in percentage)
for example if the product value is Rs. 100 then the tax value will be Rs .11.