Hello Community!
I’m working hard on InvoicePlane 2 and the new major version will feature a lot of new functions. One point on the to do list is the dashboard and I need your input:
What do you want to see on the dashboard? Which metrics should be shown there and how?
A line chart showing sales. We can also make it interactive, so that users can choose the time frame of the chart. For example sales by mount, quarter or year. Also which items are selling the most, as a bar chart, maybe. Simple statistics.
Allow Invoice/Quote overview to be set for an arbitrary date range, rather than the “Last Month”, “Last year” etc options we currently have. Just let us choose to have the overview between x and y dates.
Allow toggling between showing totals with and without tax on the dashboard overviews.
Also re: “Display active projects / tasks” - perhaps a notepad/reminder section on the dashboard? I know I log into my dashboard daily, so being able to see reminders there would be helpful in such a busy world.
This is such a wonderful piece of software you have created, I cannot wait for v2! Thanks so much!
I would like to see a functionality where in for example I can add clients and quotes adhoc.
Currently in case I need to create a invoice I have to first add a client. Thats fine but I would also like to be able to add a client as part of the create invoice process. Something to add in IP2
IMO this fantastic tool could be choose a simple standard way and manage a cool and complicated integration and extension system. This could help more people to use this tool as the want and as they need.
Apart from dashboard I want add functionality to download in excel format in quotes & invoices. Specifically quotes; as some of my client asking quotes in excel format
Display expenses and also monthly sales, can you please allow automated emails to be send to due invoices without having to create the cronjobs.
Display invoice due in a number of days, like if the invoice is due in 2 days i should be able to have a dashboard so that I can notify people in advance.
I would like an option to generate statements specific to invoices generated for a client. it should display only the clients invoice/s and payment made and balance outstanding.
further more it would be appreciated if one can download invoices that can show taxes levied separately.