InvoicePlane v1.4.4 released

A new release of the InvoicePlane application is available: v1.4.4
You can download the latest version from the InvoicePlane website.

Update Guide | Changelog

This version includes various fixes, code corrections and completely new standard PDF templates.

Older versions of InvoicePlane and the old PDF templates are now available at the download page.


Awesome! Great work.

Will upgrading reset any customisations I’ve made to settings and language files?

Yes, and you should always make back ups before upgrading.

3 posts were split to a new topic: PDF layout needs optimization in 1.4.4

When i upload from v1.4.3 to v1.4.4, will my old selfcreated templates still work?

The templates should work but please do not forget to make a backup.