Multiple Currencies

Continuing the discussion from [Solved] Multiple Languages & currencies:

[size=10]Last Update: 22.10.2015[/size]

Hello everyone,

I am new in this community,

First of all big up for Kovah, you are really providing a beautiful tool. (and everything is aligned, website, forum etc…)

I looked around the forum and as far I understood the multiple currencies will be available on v2, but v2 is on pending. Bad luck for me. I am dealing with two currencies Eur and Ron. I am thinking to install two instances but my problem is how can I get incremental references.

Of course I am open to any tips & tricks regarding how to create an out-standing template and so on.

I am looking forward to exchange with you.

Thank you a lot for your support.


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Further discussion: Support for mutliple Currencies