Display Subtotal, discount, total

Hi, I tried to fix this for me but i’m not able.

i would that subtotal is sum of item_prices, discount is sum of discounts and total is the real total (subtotal-discount)

How i can hack modules to give me this on prints?

Thanks a lot

If you have some PHP knowledge you could change it. In the templates of your quotes/invoices. Add three for each loops so for recalculate everything when the pdf is writing the document.

I need some help cause i’m not php’s expert … I tried a lot but don’t work. Obviously I miss something


Could you send me your template? I will try to fix it :slight_smile:

Thanks man, I think It’s ok now.

I used array who count during the cicle … seems okay ^^

I post the code here:

			$final_subtotal = 0;
			$final_discount = 0;
                foreach ($items as $item) {



                    <td><?php echo $item->item_name; ?></td>


					<td><?php echo nl2br($item->item_description); ?></td>

					<td><?php echo format_amount($item->item_quantity); ?></td>

					<td><?php echo format_amount($item->item_price) . ' €'; ?></td>
                    <?php echo $discount ? '<td>' . format_amount($item->item_discount_amount) . ' %</td>' : ''  ?>

					$item_sub = $item->item_subtotal - $item->item_discount;
					if ($item_sub != 0){
					 echo format_amount($item_sub) . ' €';
                    else {
						 echo '0,00 €';


                $final_subtotal += $item->item_subtotal;
                $final_discount += $item->item_discount;
				} ?>

and then, inside the totals:


                    <th><?php echo 'Importo'; ?> </th>

                    <td><?php echo format_amount($final_subtotal); ?> €</td>



                    <th><?php echo 'Sconto'; ?> </th>

                    <td><?php echo format_amount($final_discount); ?> €</td>


Thank’s a lot for help!

Super! Good job!

Ciao simxware,
vorrei poter utilizzare il tuo template per le fatture/preventivi e quindi visualizzare sia lo sconto per riga/item sia nel riepilogo totale.

Come posso fare?
Grazie in anticipo.

Here my working template code for discount, on the invoice-sums section (with InvoicePlane 1.4.6) :

<?php if ($invoice->invoice_discount_percent <> "0") { ?>
        <td <?php echo ($show_discounts ? 'colspan="5"' : 'colspan="4"'); ?> class="text-right">
            <?php echo lang('discount') . "" . round($invoice->invoice_discount_percent, 2) . "%" ; ?>
        <td class="text-right"><?php echo "-" . format_currency($invoice->invoice_item_subtotal * $invoice->invoice_discount_percent / 100); ?></td>

<?php } ?>

<?php if ($invoice->invoice_discount_amount <> "0") { ?>
        <td <?php echo ($show_discounts ? 'colspan="5"' : 'colspan="4"'); ?> class="text-right">
            <?php echo lang('discount') ; ?>
        <td class="text-right"><?php echo "-" . format_currency($invoice->invoice_discount_amount); ?></td>

<?php } ?>