Attachments not attaching, help

Firstly thank you for letting me in here!

I am a past user of FusionInvoice and have swapped over to this as I was looking for a solution to add PDF attachments to my client’s quotes.

But I am having problems with the attachments, I can select an attachment on both the quotes page and the email page, and it comes up in the box with the filename, size and the delete button, but nothing is actually uploaded or ever attached. Once I save the quote the attachment vanishes with no reference of it, and the same as when I send an email, only the PDF is sent as an attachment, nothing else.

Is there something I am missing or something that I may need to change? I am using a linux server for my hosting, I have checked in my FTP and they do not appear in the uploads folder where I would expect any attachments to be, only thing in there are other folders and my logo that I uploaded.

Thanks in advance


@Pitma Could you help pls?

Hey @elliott

Could you checkout if there is a Folder customer_files in Uploads? this Folder Needs to exist for the upload to work correctly!

Best regards


Hi @Pitma

Thanks for coming back to me, yes that folder exists in Uploads and has a hidden .gitkeep file in there, but no uploads.



Okay, then could you check the database if there are Uploads inserted in the Uploads table? If not, I guess it has something to do with the Uploads form…maybe a JavaScript error…

Just checked and there is nothing in the DB in the Uploads table.

Also not sure if it’s related but just gone to import data page and that just brings up a blank page with nothing on it all just a pure white page.

I’m still none the wiser as to what could be causing this, I have tried reinstalling v1.4.3, just incase there was a problem with my original install and still not working (either the attachments or the import page). I have tried multiple browsers too, and always the same results with no attachments. Any other ideas @Pitma as to what I could try to rectify this?

This is installed on a subdomain with this being the only thing in the root folder for that site.


I have the same exact issue. I checked and there is nothing in uploads but is there and nothing in the DB. I have tried multiple browsers as well.
mine is installed on a subdomain as well. With PHP 5.4

I was just wondering if there was any updates or resolution on this?

Hi @elliott @outofhoursit

Can you provide webserver logs?
Could be that an error is occurring that is causing this problem.

And which version of IP are you using?

sorry I was on holiday. I will get these as soon as possible.
I am using the latest 1.4.3

I’m on 1.4.6 and have the same issue - database table get’s updated, but no files uploaded to customer_files.
permissions are ok in my opinion (doesn’t even work with 777 on that folder…)

database table is updated, but upload folder stays empty.

The http:///upload/upload_file is displaying as mentioned on #1311

Nothing special in the webserver logs, but in invoiceplane:

ERROR - 2016-05-23 13:55:36 --> Severity: Warning --> Missing argument 1 for Upload::upload_file() /usr/share/invoiceplane/application/modules/upload/controllers/upload.php 31
ERROR - 2016-05-23 13:55:36 --> Severity: Warning --> Missing argument 2 for Upload::upload_file() /usr/share/invoiceplane/application/modules/upload/controllers/upload.php 31
ERROR - 2016-05-23 13:55:36 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined variable: url_key /usr/share/invoiceplane/application/modules/upload/controllers/upload.php 59
ERROR - 2016-05-23 13:55:36 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined variable: customerId /usr/share/invoiceplane/application/modules/upload/controllers/upload.php 59

what does that mean ? this error is not logged everytime. maybe it’s also because I’ve tried uploading the same file multiple times ?

mysql> select * from ip_uploads;
| upload_id | client_id | url_key         | file_name_original                      | file_name_new                                           | uploaded_date |
|        18 |        83 | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ | image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ_image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | 2016-05-23    |
|        19 |        83 | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ | image2016-05-23-141552.pdf              | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ_image2016-05-23-141552.pdf              | 2016-05-23    |
|        20 |        83 | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ | image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ_image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | 2016-05-23    |
|        21 |        83 | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ | image2016-05-23-141552.pdf              | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ_image2016-05-23-141552.pdf              | 2016-05-23    |
|        22 |        83 | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ | image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ_image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | 2016-05-23    |
|        23 |        83 | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ | image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ_image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | 2016-05-23    |
|        24 |        83 | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ | image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | C6vKEyF1nHRVkCQ_image2016-05-23-141348.pdf              | 2016-05-23    |

drwxrw-rw- 2 www-data www-data 4.0K Mar 11 13:37 customer_files