Installation on QNAP NAS

Hi All,

I am looking for an installation guide to install mhzawadi/invoiceplane on a QNAP NAS (Container Station). Unfortunately I have to use a container as the NAS is running PHP 8.2.

Guide on doesn’t really help me.

Thanks a lot

There are multiple solutions:

InvoicePlane + PHP 8.2 => take a look at the needed changes here:

After that: composer update and fingers crossed

Docker: mhzawadi/invoiceplane

Take a look at his github page. I think it’s simply docker-compose up

Docker: invoiceplane/invoiceplane

You downloaded the .zip file, correct?
Just do docker-compose up -d and let’s see what happens.
I think you have to add: ivpl.local to your hosts file and that’s it.

Blank page?
Just let me know, there’s a solution for that

Thank you for your answer.

Codelgniter didn’t work for me. After completing the DB connection, during the installation process, I received errors at the following page (filling DB). Even the Codelgniter adjustments didn’t help.

AI :slight_smile: recommended to use docker.

Finally it worked with these steps:
1.) Setup manually DB via myphpadmin on a MariaDB10
2.) Create a container → searching for mhzawadi/invoiceplane
3.) Set the Environment variables MySQL-USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DB, IP_URL, MYSQL_HOST
4.) Added new volume → /var/www/html
5.) Network: Bridge, Port 80

When opening APP Url for installation process, it is important to change “localhost” to the NAS(DB) IP.

Took me the whole day. Now the weekend can start.
