Management of more than one company

Hello everyone,

I want to use this structure for a company. the company has more than 1 subsidiary and sub-companies and wants to manage the invoices of these companies from a single place. so I want this software to have a company selection and customers according to the selected company. how can I do this?

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Hey @l1ghtning ,
Welcome and great question, man!

At the moment we don’t have that option available.

InvoicePlane is getting a Version-2 and it’s definitely of the things to make, but at the moment we don’t have it.

What i would do, but it’s tricky:

  • make a subdomain per subsidiary
  • make an install of InvoicePlane per subsidiary
    It also means:
  • make databases per subsidiary

And you need to keep an eye on your sessions, maybe give them prefixes or something.

Some of the settings for sessions are in /application/config/config.php

But it’s tricky…

Hello @UnderDog,

the update you mentioned is really important for me, as far as I understand, setting up this structure with subdomains will unfortunately not be user-oriented. is it possible for you to give me a time frame when this update will be released?

thank you for your message.

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Do you want a Multimandaten-Fähigkeit (this is the term in German). maybe translated to multi-mandate capability in englisch?

What is the “mandate” part?
What is it supposed to do?