My heavy modifications to Invoiceplane throughout the years


About the years, i added some features to InvoicePlane which i needed and some of my customers. I now succeeded to merge everything in an recent invoice plane github fork and i think everything works. Maybe it does not meet current code guidelines, but can you check if some feature can be merged into mainline? My Features are:

  • For PDF stamp of invoices via another pdf for nice looking of invoices
  • added sorting of clients ascending / descending
  • added upload documents for clients
  • added ip_atac(), ip_xtra() and ip_hbk(), added atac quote/invoice templates
  • added invoice copy with invoice watermark
  • added extra invoice footer “you view invoice page … of …”
  • page size, font, …, see helpers/mpdf_helper.php

The github repository is here

→ GitHub - chris-x-tra/InvoicePlaneXtra: A self-hosted open source application for managing your invoices, clients and payments. Fork by chrissie ^ x-tra-designs with PHP 8.3 Compatibility and other nice features

Have fun, you can use the code under any license.


PS this is not all i created, further stuff will follow…

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Hey Chris!
Thank you very much, man!
I’ve made a pull-request out of it and if course i’ve invited you to the repository.

Can you explain a bit more about that PDF-Stamping? Is that like a watermark?

The Pdf Staming which uses Mike Haertls PDFTK-Library ist for a better Design of the Invoices. My customers want a nice designed invoice. This Implementation also supports Multi-Stamping. You can have a 2 Page “Stamp-PDF” with the design for the first page and all further pages.

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