Using InvoicePlane in Germany


We are a small marketing agency in Germany and currently use Zervant for our invoices. We have almost only B2B invoices, all 19% and both one-time items and recurring invoices.

I would like to use an OpenSource tool (either on our webserver or on our Synology NAS).

The question is, how good is your experience with the legal security of the current version of InvoicePlane for Germany? Does it match all requirements? Or is it just a compromise for Germany? I have seen that there were problems with invoices that mixed 19% and 7% as well as with the labeling of prices for end customers. Has this been fixed in the meantime? Do you have problems in general and would you recommend switching?

Thank you and best regards,

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Can you explain that one a bit more?
I have an invoice for a customer.
The tax for product 1 on the invoice is 19%
The tax for product 2 on the invoice is 7%

What do you think goes wrong?
I’m not aware of any problems

Can you explain that one a bit more?
Labeling of prices? (got lost in translation, i think)

Hello Underdog,

regarding different tax rates. This really is not my main concern but I found an older post where someone said there are problems with his.
when you have products with different VATs on the invoice like a wine with 19% and a water with 7% than at the end of the invoice there need to be two VAT sections. So overall you have the prices without vat all together + the sum of all 7% VATs + Sum of all 19% VATs and the overall sum of the invoice including all VATs.
Not sure, if this is supported. Once in a while we had invoices with 7% and this would make problems in the long rund.

also in Germany when working with customers who are private people and not businesses you are only allowed to show the prices including VAT all the time. so if I send an offer or invoice to a company I always show the net prices without VAT and at the end I add the VAT. If I send something to a private person all prices on the invoice need to be including VAT.

I hope this was more understandable now :smiley:
thanks and best,

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this is the thing with different VATs I was talking about

the solution mentioned there is not really satisfying I think

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Great job on the explanations.
I’ll take a look tonight

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I can’t read the .php file.
I have to take a look when i have a normal working PC again.

the solution mentioned there is not really satisfying I think

I would probably have done it the same way.
I know once i open that PHP file.

Thank you so much. I guess as our new web server is ready now, I can just do a test installation and play a bit with it… so I can see if the solution is good for us and where problems appear.

tried the Demo login but with all the data in there it is a bit confusing :smiley:

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re: Different VAT, posted previously → the solution is also shown in the same thread. This can be solved in a template, the same applies to business and private invoices, different templates would solve it.

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Hey @neubauer Thank you so much.
is there any chance you have the thread this was talked about at hand? In my search I only found the one above I mentioned.
thank you :slight_smile:

Unfurtunately, i have no idea where to find the requested thread and responded only in the aboves matter as Niels ask me wether i could respond.
As a lontime user in my opinion there is, nor was, such a problem, cause this would have been solved using a different template.
Anyway just ask if you have the need for a separate vat condition, the 7% and 19%, ist mostly for beverages in germany, right?

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Food, Beverages and some other stuff. but in our case it was indeed food as we supported a befriended company with importing from Italy… :slight_smile:

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