Clone/Migrate Invoiceplane to a new domain

Hi, there. I need help to clone my invoiceplane to a new domain.

On old site:

  • Backup database
    I would use phpMyAdmin for this. If not, ask your host.
  • zip the uploads directory, they contain the generated PDF files

On new site:

  • I would do a new install
    Download the .zip from
    Copy ipconfig.php.example to ipconfig.php
    Fill the new ipconfig.php with proper credentials
    Most likely: Put the databaae password in quotes.

  • With the new install log in, click through all menu items

  • Restore database backup
    I would use phpMyAdmin for this. If not, ask your host.

  • unzip the uploads directory

  • With the restored backup: log in, click through all menu items
    Check the settings (see ‘optional’)

  • Do another test-run of your site

  • send an email (if you used that)

  • generate PDFs

  • open an old PDF

Compare the ipconfig.php from old site eith new site
db_name, password, username, host, ip_url could be different
app_key (or whatever it’s called) should be different

Look at settings for setting PDFs to read only, things like that

If everything works update this forum thread