Many thanks to UnderDog and everyone else who contributes to Invoice Plane and this forum. I worked all day on Invoice Plane. It is an excellent program that does everything well. Thanks to all for maintaining and improving it!
Yesterday I had trouble trying to get Invoice Plane to run properly. It worked but would not allow me to create new quotes or invoices. I could not post my experience completely because the Forum would not allow URLs. UnderDog fixed that and now I can share my experience. I am doing this with the hope that more people will get to experience a first-rate program for invoice, quote, and mailing list maintenance.
On March 28, 2024 I spent an hour or so reading about Invoice Plane and studying the Wiki. It seemed like a good program so I downloaded the newest version 1.6, from I have installed PHP scripts on my host’s server before so I was familiar with the process. I followed the Wiki installation guide closely.
Unfortunately, the Wiki was slightly out of date or I read it incorrectly. By default the 1.6 version installs in a subdirectory named “IP”. I wanted to install it in a subdirectory named “suite”. When the installation was complete my path looked like HTTP:// The Wiki guide was clear about editing the myconfig.php.example file. I did that and added my above directory path. Then I renamed the file myconfig.php. The Wiki was not so clear about the HTACCESS file. What the Wiki said did not correspond exactly to my HTACCESS file. So I opened the file and saw this:
InvoicePlane htaccess
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
### uncomment and adjust if installed in subdirectory
# RewriteRule . /subfolder/index.php [L]
RewriteRule . /suite/index.php [L]
I found this confusing. Invoice Plane went into a subdirectory by default. So why was the code set up for a root directory install? Should I uncomment and edit the first line? It seemed so. But then what do I do with the second ReWrite Rule? I was not sure what the code did so I tried both actions and tested Invoice Plane between them. Still, new quotes and new invoices could not be created. I searched around the internet for another hour and found a few other people with the same problem. No solutions though. I took a break for lunch and a much-needed nap.
Refreshed I searched some more and discovered that Softaculous had an autoinstaller for Invoice Plane. My host, AT Hosting, offered Softaculous for free. So I gave it a try and asked Softaculous to install Invoice Plane in my suite subdirectory. Invoice Plane was up and running in less than 10 minutes.
I checked the myconfig.php and HTACCESS files that Softaculous changed. The myconfig.php matched what Wiki recommended. The HTACCESS file was untouched but a new .HTACCESS file was created. That file matched what was in the Wiki. The Rewrite line “RewriteRule . /suite/index.php [L]” showed the proper path for Invoice Plane as well. The second Rewrite rule I mentioned earlier was gone.
Please note that the new HTACCESS file starts with a period where the original one did not. I do not know enough to understand the significance of the period. But experience showed me it is critical.
So if you are running into the same issues that I had, do not despair. The program is worth installing and there are several ways to achieve a successful installation. Perhaps by the time you read this, the Wiki will be updated by someone better versed in HTACCESS files than me.
Best wishes to all,
Tim in Montana