Diagrams of system

Hello, how are you, I am here to request the diagrams related to the system, I am adjusting it to my needs but I am having a hard time understanding some aspects and the related diagrams would be very useful to me, especially the class diagram, entity relationship diagram and use case diagram, Thanks in advance

Hi Jonas,

class diagram: We don’t have that available
entity relationship diagram: We don’t have that available
use case diagram: We don’t have that available

I am having a hard time understanding some aspects
What aspects are you having a hard time with?
Invoices? Quotes?

The best thing is to look at:
application/modules. it will show all modules that are available, Invoices, Quotes, Clients, you name it.

For the “entities” you can better install InvoicePlane and then export the tables from your favorite Database Editor (phpMyAdmin, for example)

InvoicePlane is built as a “Model, View, Controller” system.
Your Invoice module will have all 3 of them.

When you select an index of the invoices, you’ll look in the Controller to see which information is requested from the Model.

Good luck with your project!

Yes, I tried to create the uml class diagram with phpadmin and mysql workbench but neither shows the relationships between the tables, basically it is like seeing the database but in a graphical way, it doesn’t really help much

I try to understand how everything is connected but without any diagram it is difficult for me, for example there are functions of the system that I do not need and I would like to start with the databases to remove them but of course without the system crashing

I tried to create the uml class diagram with phpadmin and mysql workbench

Well, try it anyway.
You already have your diagram loaded in workbench, so now the challenge is tk connect those tables

Unfortunately you’ll have to do this yourself.

I’ll give you an example:
the invoices table has a field for the client.
now that field, that you just found, which table do you think it connects to?

I have it, also if I manage to do them correctly I will contribute them to the community in case they need them, in addition I am also looking for a version of invoiceplane that contains an extra type of user and I understand that a user (estaude17) did it but I don’t know If I shared it with you or if it is on github, if you know anything about it, please let me know and I apologize for the inconvenience.

Well, that’s news to me. If it is on github, if you can tell the link thqt would be great.

the user_type field has 1 and 2 as option, what you can do is add option 3, but then throigh the whole code you’ll have to program what needs to be done if user_type is 3.

That’s very nice of you and in good open source spirit, but that won’t be necessary.
Just enjoy your project, that’s what open source is all about.

ok, thank you very much for the assistance, if I have another question I will contact you through this community, greetings

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