Online invoice does not show logo after update to 1.6.1

Hi Guys,

After updating to 1.6.1 i noticed that the logo for the online invoice is not showing…
the php line from 39 has moved to 42. Before this i used the fix to change the line to:

    return '<img src="' . base_url() . 'uploads/' . $CI->mdl_settings->setting('invoice_logo') . '" id="invoice-logo">';

But it is now not working anymore.

This is the original line of the code after the update:

        return '<img src="' . $absolutePath . '/uploads/' . $CI->mdl_settings->setting('invoice_logo') . '" id="invoice-logo">';

Can you check if this solution works for you?

Where is your logo located?
on ? Or on /local/path/to/logo.png?

Hi. Brand new InvoicePlane user here (v1.6.1). I noticed this too when I am viewing an online quotation - that the logo is missing and it’s because the path being used is /var/www/html/... instead of This is also true for the online invoice.

PDF works ok for both cases. The github link above is already applied on my file. Error is seen despite that.

Is there a fix to this? All PDF’s show the broken graphic red-cross.

See if this fixes your problem: