Credit invoice template feature developed

Since I needed a credit note/invoice function and could not find it in IP I just developed it myself.
What does this CN function do?

  • creates its own credit note numbers
  • due dates are not used
  • invoice name is replaced by “credit note” or “credit invoice”
  • the default pdf template takes into account the credit note settings

Some screenshots:

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That looks so nice !
Is there any documentation I can follow to replicate this on my instance ?

Thanks for your work !

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@VeRony do you have a branch available with this feature?
There might be an opportunity to create a pull-request for this

Unfortunately I have recently discovered some minor bugs in my code.
To make this available to the general public I still need to make some changes and fix the bugs.
Sorry. :slightly_frowning_face:

That’s ok, take your time.
It’s better to fix these bugs at this time then after the release