am trying to add commande module,
I did clone the invoices module with invoice_groupe
I did clone the database tables also
I did get view and delete word fine but the create and edit not working this is the error message on log file when I enter the values and click on submit btp to create command
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → UTF-8 Support Enabled
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Global POST, GET and COOKIE data sanitized
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Ajax MX_Controller Initialized
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Config file loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\config/invoice_plane.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Encryption: Auto-configured driver ‘openssl’.
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/settings/models/Mdl_settings.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/settings/models/Mdl_versions.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\controllers/…/modules/layout/controllers/Layout.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Layout MX_Controller Initialized
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/commande_groups/models/Mdl_commande_groups.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/tax_rates/models/Mdl_tax_rates.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/clients/models/Mdl_clients.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/clients/views/script_select2_client_id.js
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “create_commande”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “create_commande”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_date”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_date”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_password”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_password”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_group”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_group”
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/commandes/views/modal_create_commande.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Total execution time: 0.0710
If anyone can help here or have idea on this