Create command new module

am trying to add commande module,

I did clone the invoices module with invoice_groupe
I did clone the database tables also
I did get view and delete word fine but the create and edit not working this is the error message on log file when I enter the values and click on submit btp to create command

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>

DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → UTF-8 Support Enabled
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Global POST, GET and COOKIE data sanitized
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Ajax MX_Controller Initialized
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Config file loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\config/invoice_plane.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Encryption: Auto-configured driver ‘openssl’.
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/settings/models/Mdl_settings.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/settings/models/Mdl_versions.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\controllers/…/modules/layout/controllers/Layout.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Layout MX_Controller Initialized
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/commande_groups/models/Mdl_commande_groups.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/tax_rates/models/Mdl_tax_rates.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/clients/models/Mdl_clients.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/clients/views/script_select2_client_id.js
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “create_commande”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “create_commande”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_date”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_date”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_password”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_password”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_group”
ERROR - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Could not find the language line “commande_group”
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → File loaded: C:\wamp64\www\facture\application\modules/commandes/views/modal_create_commande.php
DEBUG - 2022-12-07 08:54:16 → Total execution time: 0.0710

If anyone can help here or have idea on this

For every piece where it says ‘could not find file’ you need to make sure InvoicePlane can find that file.
That’s step 1.

Also: try to explain what ‘commande’ means. It’s not known in the English language.

What are you trying to do?

commande the one between Quotes and Invoices i just add new module by cloning what the Invoices module have and what related with

Modules : Invoices + Invoice_groups 2 folders
Database : 10 tables
Views : Invoice_templates folder

did the language cost me that probleme ??
Should i change commande by Order ??

Every click you do, on every button, open up the Google Chrome Devtools and see where that click goes.
It should go to for example /commandes/save
If it still goes to /invoices/save, that’s wrong.

It is a really difficult task to do. You have to doublecheck all clicks on all buttons if they go to the right place

All is good i already add the Command Module and i add the Photo for the product.
And by the why thnx UnderDog :slight_smile: :+1:

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