The new InvoicePlane Wiki

I was working hard the last weeks and now I’m excited to announce the new InvoicePlane Wiki located at
At the moment the new wiki contains the pages from the old wiki at Github and some additional information but everyone is invited to help improving the wiki.

Help improving the wiki

Everyone is invited to help improving and extending the wiki. All files needed are located at the wiki repository a Github.

Edit / improve a page

If you just want to add or edit a page fork the wiki repository, make the changes in the files and create a pull request.


All wiki pages are stored in folders which indicate their language (en) and the version (1.0 = 1.x). If you want to translate the wiki please make a complete copy of the en folder and rename it to the ISO language code. Then translate everything or parts and create a pull request. It makes sense to send files which are not translated completely as other people can continue the work later.